Holistic itself means the comprehension of the whole and not just isolated parts. It’s a way of looking at things in an integral way. In photography it’s about the balance between the craft and art.

Idea, Light, Composition and Timing are technically the four essentials to create holistic photography. I personally choose to go deeper and start the holistic process even before the idea for the shoot. First I aim to fully comprehend my subject! Integrating all the elements available, such as physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic and intuitive.


The first part of my work comes prior to the shoot, when we have a holistic meeting - in person while having a coffee/ tea or by video call. I value this part of the process a lot, I believe it is essential to create the story to be told through the photos. I like to understand what the intention is behind the photos, what you want to transmit to your audience, what your expectations are, and so on. We will discuss the details for the photoshoot, so, when we are shooting you can relax and just be in the present moment while I can freely observe the surroundings and capture what’s been expressed by the subject.

My approach is to speak gently but assertive, like in yoga. Giving you some direction and not distracting you so that you can ease into your natural state.
I value honesty and through my lens I aim to inspire as many people as possible around the world.  Sharing the beautiful authenticity of strong people and conscious companies, who choose to live a meaningful life and spread awareness about well-being (body-health, mind, spirit).

I love to connect with like-minded people and be the channel to capture their emotions and keep inspiring people everywhere in the world.If you resonate with that contact me
